The Best Sugar Daddy Gifts
With the holidays around the corner it is about time you make a nice wishlist. A lot of women know the terms of their arrangement and shy from asking for too many extras. After all, nobody wants to come across as too materialistic and greedy, right? Still, even if you have a particularly generous lover, you should not miss out on the opportunity to get something special for Christmas. The reason is pretty simple: It is perfectly acceptable to make a big and maybe even a bit unrealistic wish for your Christmas present. Experience has shown time and time again that you can get some of the best sugar daddy gifts for Christmas, so don’t miss out!

The best sugar daddy gifts for Christmas
So what should you ask for? If you are in the lucky position to have a particularly generous lover, it can be surprisingly difficult to come up with good ideas. You have your monthly allowance, so saving up for the bigger wishes usually isn’t too hard. Maybe your generous man sometimes takes out his credit card and takes you shopping just for fun. A lot of wealthy men love to show off in front of their girlfriend, and unexpected gifts and shopping sprees are the best way to flaunt and impress. We think that the absolute best sugar daddy gifts for Christmas are things that you can both enjoy. When you have a great idea that also benefits him, he will be much more inclined to consider it, even if you aim high.

Ideally, you want to propose something that is more expensive than the usual surprise presents he gets you for date night. The real art is to make your demand sound like something for both of us. We have three hot candidates that make the best sugar daddy gifts simply because they are intimate shared joy.
The best sugar daddy gifts should be a bit extravagant and expensive
Even with the most generous monthly allowance, there are probably quite a few things you usually cannot just splurge on. For us, ultra luxury holidays make the top of the list of the best sugar daddy gifts, and there is a good reason for that. Your boyfriend loves to spend time with you, so why not propose something that promises to give him exactly that? A lavish luxury holiday is the perfect way to spend some quality time together. You get so relax and unwind in a super exclusive resort together, enjoy spa treatments, and fantastic dinners. What’s not to love? Luxury holidays are the perfect example of a win-win situation!
Number 2 on our list of the best sugar daddy gifts for Christmas is a slightly controversial one, but definitely worth considering: Plastic surgery! Cosmetic procedures like rejuvenation treatments, botox or breast augmentations can be notoriously expensive. A boob job can cost you thousands of dollars, and facelifts aren’t on the cheap side, either. Even for botox you need to shell out a couple hundred dollars every few months or so. We think it is only fair that your rich boyfriend covers these expenses if this is something you are open to. After all, he is the one who benefits the most from your stunning looks!
As a slightly more modest, but equally enjoyable shared experience, why not propose a day out at a luxury spa? Couple massages and cosmetic treatments are not only a very sensual experience. They also leave both of you feel extra relaxed and radiant. Is there a better way to spend a date together?
Why you should return the favour and get your generous boyfriend something special

How do you like our ideas for the best sugar daddy gifts for Christmas? Pretty sweet, right? Nonetheless, you shouldn’t forget to get him something in return. As a rich man, he obviously doesn’t really need you to get him something, but he will appreciate the gesture. A mutually beneficial relationship is about giving and receiving, and the perfect way to express affection is to give back in the right moments.