Hook up on the first date
I often get asked by other aspiring sugar babies whether a hook up on the first date is a good idea or not. Yes, even in 2020, many women are still unsure what a guy might think of them if they go all in the first time they meet. Will you really ruin your chances with a man if you have sex right away? It’s a pretty valid question especially in the context of mutually beneficial relationships with sugar daddies. Well, it depends. My general advice would be to trust your instincts and do whatever you feel like doing and are comfortable with. That being said, there are definitely scenarios where a hook up on the first date might not be in your best interest.

Hook up on the first date – a good idea?
When sugar babies wonder whether they should hook up on the first date, they are sometimes worried that they will come across as too easy. On the one hand, a mutually beneficial relationship always has a transactional element to it. A sugar daddy usually hopes to have some sort of intimate or even romantic relationship with you. On the other hand, society has unfortunately taught us that women are not supposed to be sexually aggressive and determined. Unfortunately, slut-shaming is still a thing, and it is unlikely to just go away over night. When it comes to meeting up with sugar daddies, you should remember that these guys are generally more interested in casual and uncomplicated arrangements. If you feel like there’s the right chemistry, a hook up on the first date could therefore be a good idea.

What a hook up on the first date can lead to
A sugar daddy who wants to meet first and foremost to have a good time might actually appreciate it if you are more direct. For guys who look for uncomplicated fun nights out, dated societal norms are not likely to be a concern. There’s another common type of sugar daddy that you should look out for, though: The “hopeless“ romantic! Some sugar daddies love it when you give them the illusion they are going on actual dates with you. For them, winning your heart and slowly developing a relationship is half the fun. So when you go out with someone who clearly enjoys a bit of tension, you might not want to hook up on the first date.
Sometimes it is better to keep a guy waiting

As a rule of thumb, you should change your approach depending on the man you’re going out with. If you think he gets excited by the idea of courting a woman and winning her, it won’t hurt to keep him waiting for a while. Hook up on the first date and he might lose interest to quickly, so play your cards at the right time!