Sugar Baby vs Gold Digger

Sugar Baby vs Gold Digger – Relationship Differences

16. August 2021admin

We often receive messages from readers asking us about the actual relationship differences when it comes to sugar baby vs gold digger relationships. When you are new to dates and arrangements that have a transactional element to them, it can be quite difficult to keep them apart. However, there is a pretty clear distinction between the two. That being said, let’s take a look at the commonalities first to understand where the confusion comes from.

Sugar Baby vs Gold Digger
Sugar Baby vs Gold Digger

Sugar Baby vs Gold Digger – Things both have in common

Why do people struggle to understand what sets sugar baby vs gold digger apart from each other? Admittedly, in both cases the woman receives some form of financial benefit from her partner. This can be anything from a monthly allowance to luxury holidays and expensive gifts. So yes, on the surface the formula seems virtually identical. Beautiful young woman dates wealthy, successful older man. Wealthy older man spends a betimes outrageous amount of money on his stunning younger girlfriend. Emotions are optional can often one-sided. So far, so good.

Nevertheless, a lot of women in a mutually beneficial relationship decidedly reject the term gold digger for themselves. Why is that the case if you benefit financially from dating a guy? If this is your main motivation for seeing him, why not call it by its name? Well, this is where we have to make a distinction. As often, the devil is in the details.

The differences between sugar baby vs gold digger

There is indeed a pretty simple difference when it comes to sugar baby vs gold digger relationships. As the somewhat derogatory term suggests, the latter is trying to get money out of her partner. Not all men are aware that they are in this situation, though. Quite often, these women target filthy rich men with the intention to get rich, or at least get them to do something for them.

The differences between sugar baby vs gold digger
The differences between sugar baby vs gold digger

A mutually beneficial relationship is actually quite different. Daddies know who they are dating, and the rules and expectations are usually negotiated and agreed on upfront. In other words, there should not be a one-sided expectation that the relationship is something other than what was agreed on. Any transactions are part of the deal, and a sugar baby does not have to manipulate her partner to get what she wants. In that sense, you could say that one relationship is based on using and rinsing your partner as long as you can get away with it. The other is an ongoing casual agreement where both sides get what they want and are open and honest about their intentions.

What kind of relationship pays off in the long run?

What kind of relationship pays off in the long run?
What kind of relationship pays off in the long run?

The million dollar question remains: What kind of relationship should you pursue? This is entirely up to you. Do you feel comfortable playing the seductress, knowing that you may give a filthy rich guy real hopes for romance and genuine interest? Go for it, but bear in mind that it can be quite exhausting to keep up the facade. If this doesn’t sound like you, you may be better off with an arrangement where you know right from the start what’s in for you. The best relationship form is indeed the one that works for you personally. And the longer it lasts, the more you will benefit from it.

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