Why I Chose Sugar Daddy Dating
When you are in a mutually beneficial relationship, you get used to people judging you for your lifestyle. Being seen in public with a significantly older guy is just one side of the story. More strikingly, I found that the perks and financial benefits were just as often discussed among my friends as the age of my partner. To be fair, when you have an arrangement with a filthy rich and (hopefully) equally generous man, it will not get unnoticed by your surroundings. You can afford a fancier wardrobe, you go on frequent weekend trips and holidays… On top of that, there’s the monthly allowance, of course. I don’t care much for people labelling my relationship. However, the reason why I chose sugar dating over having a boyfriend what not purely motivated by money.

Why I chose sugar daddy dating over having a boyfriend
Admittedly, mutually beneficial arrangements are not always particularly long-lasting. In my case, I am happy to say that I have been seeing the same generous gentleman for over a year now. You could say that the kind of relationship we have is more similar to a regular girlfriend boyfriend thing than a casual on-off agreement. That being said, love and romance was not why I chose sugar dating in the first place. After a couple of disappointing attempts at going out with men around my age, I felt disillusioned. On the one hand, younger men are often emotionally immature. On the other hand, I felt that the way a lot of them behaved around me really didn’t allow me to keep my freedom and independence as a woman. This is something I have not experienced with more mature men.

In fact, the biggest reason why I chose sugar daddy dating over having a boyfriend around my age is that I was looking for someone mature, financially stable and easy-going. In many ways, my partner is all those things. He is an incredibly successful businessman, kind and generous, but at the same time, he loves his freedom, too!
Money is only one reason why I chose sugar daddy dating
Let’s address the obvious question in the room: Yes, my partner loves to spoil and pamper me! When we go out together, he loves to treat me and invite me to luxurious and exclusive places. For him, sharing his success and seeing the surprise on my face when he takes me somewhere fancy simply makes him happy. Usually we go to places I would’ve never dared to set a foot in myself! He loves keeping things exciting, and he worked hard for his success. Understandably, he feels that he deserves having fun on his limited time off.

I will be honest, it’s amazing! I have never been with a man who is so generous and at the same time not particularly needy. As mentioned, money is only one reason why I chose sugar daddy dating, though. For me, the freedom and independence you can have when dating someone super successful is the most important thing.
Financial support allows me to be independent and ambitious

Being with a rich and successful man has one major advantage: You can expect him to be busy! All the wealth and power has to come from somewhere, and most generous men have to work hard to keep their empire up and running. Ask me why I chose sugar daddy dating over financial instability, and I will gladly point this out. The monthly allowance you can expect is a pretty great way to ensure you are independent. I think it is important that yoiu dont feel limited in your own ambitions. When you have that additional cash coming in every month, you can spend more time pursuing your own dreams and career goals. Part-time jobs and internships often don’t pay well. So, a generous man on your side simply allows you to aim higher without having to worry about your band account.